Hey Thrivsters, 💜☕️💛
Have you ever stopped to think about the stories you tell yourself every day? Whether we realize it or not, we're constantly creating narratives that shape our thoughts, actions, and decisions. Have your hear yourself thinking or even saying?
I don't have the money for that?
I don't have time?
I have to do it all myself?
I don't know what to do next?
Some of these stories motivate us, but many of them hold us back, keeping us stuck in procrastination, confusion, or moving forward. But you can break free!
These stories we tell ourselves often perpetuate excuses—and many of these excuses come from fear. Sometimes, these stories are rooted in reality, born from personal experiences that left us feeling some sort of pain, or others have shared their stories as a way to warn or protect us.
I want to open up and break down the different types of stories we tell ourselves and how they can keep us from taking the next best steps, moving us further from our goals and dreams.
The Different Types of Stories We Tell Ourselves:
The "I'm Not Enough" Story
The fear of not being good enough, smart enough, or capable enough. It often originates from past experiences where we didn’t meet a certain standard. And other times, it’s a story someone else told us, perhaps to protect us from disappointment.
And without even giving it a second thought now that story has become your own. Even though our circumstances, abilities and skill sets all my be different.
’s easier to fit into someone else’s mold where together your “safe” that it is to take a chance only to possibly have them say … “you can’t say I didn't warn you”
How it holds you back: Hesitate to take action / doubting your ability / feeling like your not prepared enough, You procrastinate and can seem to find motivation beyond the inspiration, all echoing the excuse that you’re just “not ready yet.”
2. The "I Don't Have Time" Story
This is another story that masks deeper fears—often the fear of stepping out of our comfort zones. The "I don’t have time" story is a convenient excuse we use when we’re afraid of being uncomfortable or trying something new, or it is something we care deeply about. Sometimes, this story is passed down by others who may have told you, "There’s just not enough time in the day to do it all."
How it holds you back: It creates an easy out, allowing you to avoid uncomfortable tasks or starting something new, convincing you that you're too busy to pursue what matters.
3. The "I Don't Know What to Do Next" Story
This story often comes from a place of fear rooted in uncertainty. You might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of options, or paralyzed by the worry of making the wrong decision. Sometimes this story is reinforced by people around us who say, “It’s better to wait until you know exactly what to do.” While they may be trying to protect you, this advice can sit you down in a holding pattern with no movement forward.
How it holds you back: This story leads to analysis paralysis, where the fear of making a mistake stops you from taking any action at all. You wait for the perfect plan or perfect moment, which never arrives.
4. The "I Have to Do It All Myself" Story
This story is often born out of a fear of vulnerability. This was and still at times is my story. Feeling incompetent it I don't have all the answers or I get help and feel silly because I should have known better. Sometimes, this story is influenced by others who have emphasized independence and self-reliance as a measure of success. This came straight from my mom! Never depend on a man, Jennifer, so you can be successful! While independence is valuable, the fear of relying on others can block you from reaching your full potential. Yes it can!
How it holds you back: You overextend yourself, trying to juggle everything alone, which leads to burnout. This leaves less time for the activities that truly matter to you, preventing you from making meaningful progress.
These Stories Perpetuate Excuses and Create Confusion
The common thread in all these stories is fear—fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. These fears often feel very real because they’re rooted in our past experiences or have been reinforced by stories from others.
We hold onto them because they seem to protect us from pain or disappointment. We hold on to them because sometimes we don't even see where they are hiding.
But here's the truth: while these stories may protect you from short-term discomfort, they also keep you stuck. All they do is perpetuate excuses—clinging to more confused and overwhelmed you become.
And without even realizing it, confusion often takes over and masks the confusion as you being incompetent because you are seeing the next best or right action to bring a vision to reality. You find yourself unsure about what to do next, trapped in a loop of procrastination and indecision and confusion. But there is a way through it no matter how long you or your family has adopted these limiting beliefs.
Join me in a free hour workshop 12-1pm on Wednesday October 30th. Grab you ThrivFOCUS tool and pen and your lunch and let’s together start to rewrite those stories that are holding us back.
We are going to discuss in detail how to:
Recognize the Stories
Challenge the so call facts
Learn concepts that support reframing the stories
How to break free from confusion
Lean in to motivation and celebrate life more fully
The stories we tell ourselves are powerful, but remember: You have all the power. You have the ability to rewrite the narrative at any time. Together, let's learn how to loosen the grip of the familiar stories that could be holding you back from your true potential and lean into the better story.
Creatively Yours, Jenn
Creative Cultivator, #ThrivLIFE
P.S. Want more tools for rewriting your limiting beliefs? Check out my upcoming workshop to create empowering narratives and break free from fear-driven excuses.
So welcome! I am talking about this all month! Any questions!?
Thanks for these reminders. It's so hard to get out of your own head sometimes.